The Hips Don't Lie

The Hips don't Lie

Have you heard the song, "The Hips don't lie". Shakira, the artist who made the song popular, said,

When my body reacts physically to a song, I know, if it's a dance song, that song is done. So I used to say to my musicians, 'my hips don't lie!

To Shakira, who wanted to know she had a good dance song, she recognized that she was on the right track if her body felt "the groove". Her focus is on a tangible sign that she has found the right product.

American Football enthusiasts know the thrill and horror of a missed open field tackle. The technique taught to aspiring footballers to successfully execute a tackle requires following the hips of the runner. If you follow or focus on the hips, you will be in the right position to make the tackle.

The expression "the hips don't lie" reflects an approach of focus that requires some sort of sign or response. Focus is foundational to entrepreneurship and to understanding positionally where you will be in the future. Focus is also a technique that avoids impulsive decisions when innocuous, deceptive, or spontaneous opportunities come along. Some people call this the shiny object syndrome. Knowing the right sign provides focus and reduces the chance of solopreneurs to move from one shiny object to another.

Our focus is on mBiz entities within the genre of small business. An mBiz is a single owner-operator or a group of less then 20 owner-operators. The vast majority of these business owners do not have sufficient resources to accomplish everything they need to operate their business. Every mBiz requires:

  1. the ability to tell a story about what they do
  2. explain changes in their operation
  3. manage their operations through scaled down event, customer, and finance management
  4. work socially with other mBiz to create a competitive advantage
Most importantly, suppliers to small business should aim at the bifurcated small business market, aka micro businesses and Small to Medium Enterprises (SME). Most suppliers  aim for SME thinking they are reaching the needs of small and medium firms. SME is arguably 20-2000 employees.  The largest marketspace is the 9-employees and under. Remain focused! Watch the hips.

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